Source code for HTPolyNet.topology


.. module:: topology
   :synopsis: Class for managing gromacs .top file data
.. moduleauthor: Cameron F. Abrams, <>

import logging
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from itertools import product
from HTPolyNet.bondlist import Bondlist
from HTPolyNet.ring import Ring, RingList



[docs] def typeorder(a): """typeorder correctly order the tuple of atom types for particular interaction types to maintain sorted type dataframes :param a: tuple of atom indicies/types from a [ bond ], [ pair ], [ angle ], or [ dihedral ] record :type a: tuple :return: same atom indices/types correctly ordered to allow for easy searching/sorting :rtype: tuple """ assert type(a)==tuple, 'error: typeorder() requires a tuple argument' if len(a)==2: # bond return a if a[0]<a[1] else a[::-1] elif len(a)==3: # angle return a if a[0]<a[2] else a[::-1] elif len(a)==4: # dihedral if a[1]==a[2]: return a if a[0]<a[3] else a[::-1] return a if a[1]<a[2] else a[::-1]
idxorder=typeorder # same syntax to order global atom indices in an interaction index
[docs] def repeat_check(t,msg=''): """repeat_check Check for repeated index tuples :param t: list of index tuples :type t: list :param msg: optional message, defaults to '' :type msg: str, optional """ for i in range(len(t)): for j in range(i+1,len(t)): assert t[i]!=t[j],f'Error: repeated index in {len(t)}-tuple {t}: t({i})={t[i]}\n{msg}'
[docs] def df_typeorder(df,typs): """df_typeorder type-orders the atom type attributes in each row of dataframe df :param df: a Topology type-directive dataframe; [ atomtypes ], [ bondtypes ], etc. :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param typs: list of type-attribute names; typically ['i','j',...] :type typs: list """ for i in df.index: df.loc[i,typs]=typeorder(tuple(df.loc[i,typs]))
_GromacsIntegers_=('nr','atnum','resnr','ai','aj','ak','al','#mols','nrexcl','funct','func','nbfunc','comb-rule') _GromacsFloats_=('charge','mass','chargeB','massB',*tuple([f'c{i}' for i in range(5)]), 'b0','kb','th0','cth','rub','kub','phase','kd','pn','fudgeLJ','fudgeQQ')
[docs] def typedata(h,s): if h in _GromacsIntegers_: return int(s) if h in _GromacsFloats_: return float(s) return s
_GromacsExtensiveDirectives_=['atoms','pairs','bonds','angles','dihedrals'] _NonGromacsExtensiveDirectives_=['mol2_bonds'] _GromacsTopologyDirectiveOrder_=['defaults','atomtypes','bondtypes','angletypes','dihedraltypes','moleculetype','atoms','pairs','bonds','angles','dihedrals','system','molecules'] _GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_={ 'atoms':['nr', 'type', 'resnr', 'residue', 'atom', 'cgnr', 'charge', 'mass','typeB', 'chargeB', 'massB'], 'pairs':['ai', 'aj', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1'], 'bonds':['ai', 'aj', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1'], 'angles':['ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1'], 'dihedrals':['ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'al', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'], 'atomtypes':['name', 'atnum', 'mass', 'charge', 'ptype', 'sigma', 'epsilon'], 'moleculetype':['name', 'nrexcl'], 'bondtypes':['i','j','func','b0','kb'], 'angletypes':['i','j','k','func','th0','cth','rub','kub'], 'dihedraltypes':['i','j','k','l','func','phase','kd','pn'], 'system':['Name'], 'molecules':['Compound','#mols'], 'defaults':['nbfunc','comb-rule','gen-pairs','fudgeLJ','fudgeQQ'] } _GromacsTopologyHashables_={ # attributes/columns that should always have values, no NaNs; these are how each item is sorted 'atoms':['nr'], 'pairs':['ai', 'aj'], 'bonds':['ai', 'aj'], 'angles':['ai', 'aj', 'ak'], 'dihedrals':['ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'al',], 'atomtypes':['name'], 'bondtypes':['i','j'], 'angletypes':['i','j','k'], 'dihedraltypes':['i','j','k','l'] } _GromacsTopologyDirectiveDefaults_={ 'system':['A_generic_system'], 'molecules':['None',1], 'moleculetype':['None',3], 'defaults':[1,2,'yes',0.5,0.83333333] }
[docs] def select_topology_type_option(options,typename='dihedraltypes',rule='stiffest'): """select_topology_type_option select from a list of topological interaction options of type typename using the provided rule :param options: list of parameterization options for a particular interaction :type options: list :param typename: string designation of interaction type, defaults to 'dihedraltypes' :type typename: str, optional :param rule: string describing the selection rule, defaults to 'stiffest' :type rule: str, optional :return: the selection parameterization option :rtype: element of options (dict) """ hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() for i in hashables: headers.remove(i) if rule=='stiffest' or rule=='softest': if typename=='bondtypes': parindex=headers.index('kb') elif typename=='angletypes': parindex=headers.index('cth') elif typename=='dihedraltypes': parindex=headers.index('kd') sorted_options=list(sorted(options,key=lambda x: x[parindex])) if rule=='stiffest': return sorted_options[-1] elif rule=='softest': return sorted_options[0] return []
[docs] class Topology: """ Class for handling gromacs top data """ def __init__(self,system_name=''): """__init__ Constructor for Topology class :param system_name: optional name of system, defaults to '' :type system_name: str, optional """ ''' D: a dictionay keyed on Gromacs topology directives with values that are lists of one or more pandas dataframes corresponding to sections ''' self.D:dict[str:pd.DataFrame]={} for k,v in _GromacsTopologyDirectiveDefaults_.items(): hdr=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[k] dfdict={kk:[a] for kk,a in zip(hdr,v)} self.D[k]=pd.DataFrame(dfdict) self.D['system']=pd.DataFrame({'name':[system_name]}) ''' bondlist: a class that owns a dictionary keyed on atom global index with values that are lists of global atom indices bound to the key ''' self.bondlist=Bondlist() self.residue_network=nx.Graph() self.rings=RingList([]) self.empty=True
[docs] @classmethod def read_top(cls,filename,pad=_PAD_): """read_top Reads a Gromacs-style topology file 'filename' and returns a dictionary keyed on directive names. Each value in the dictionary is a pandas dataframe. Each dataframe represents an individual section found with its directive in the file, with columns corresponding to the fields in the section. Note that the we allow for input topology/itp files to have two 'dihedrals' and 'dihedraltypes' sections; these are merged in the result. :param filename: name of gromacs top file to read :type filename: str :raises KeyError: If an unrecognized topology directive is encountered, program exits on error :return: a Topology instance :rtype: Topology """ assert os.path.exists(filename), f'Error: {filename} not found.' inst=cls() inst.filename=filename dirname=os.path.dirname(filename) inst.includes=[] with open(filename,'r') as f:'[') stanzas=[('['+x).split('\n') for x in data][1:] for s in stanzas: directive=s[0].split()[1].strip() contentlines=[l for l in s[1:] if not (len(l.strip())==0 or l.strip().startswith(';'))] if not directive in _GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_: raise KeyError(f'unrecognized topology directive "{directive}"') header=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[directive] series={k:[] for k in header} for line in contentlines: if line.startswith('#include'): tokens=[x.strip() for x in line.split()] inst.includes.append(tokens[1].replace('"','')) continue # ignore anything after a ';' line=line.split(';')[0].strip() if directive!='system': # no need to split line tokens=[x.strip() for x in line.split()] else: tokens=[line] padded=[typedata(k,_) for _,k in zip(tokens,header)] # pad row so that it is same length as series for _ in range(len(tokens),len(header)): padded.append(pad) # logger.debug(f'padded row: {padded}') assert len(padded)==len(header), f'Error: Padding solution does not work! {directive} {len(tokens)}:{len(padded)}!={len(header)} {",".join(tokens)} {",".join(header)}' for k,v in zip(header,padded): series[k].append(v) tdf=pd.DataFrame(series) if directive=='dihedraltypes': if directive in inst.D: #'Found second set of {len(tdf)} [ dihedraltypes ] in {inst.filename}; merging into set of {len(inst.D["dihedraltypes"])} types already read in...') # we have already read-in a dihedraltypes section # so let's append this one inst.D['dihedraltypes']=pd.concat([inst.D['dihedraltypes'],tdf],ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates() #' -> now there are {len(inst.D["dihedraltypes"])} dihedral types.') else: inst.D[directive]=tdf elif directive=='dihedrals': # if there is already a dihedrals section, assume if directive in inst.D: inst.D['dihedrals']=pd.concat([inst.D['dihedrals'],tdf],ignore_index=True) else: inst.D[directive]=tdf else: inst.D[directive]=tdf # we must assume the 'atoms' are sorted by global index; however, all other # sections need not be sorted. For convenience, we will keep them sorted by # atom indices or atom type name, where appropriate. inst.null_check(msg=f'read from {filename}') if 'atomtypes' in inst.D: inst.D['atomtypes']=inst.D['atomtypes'].sort_values(by='name').reset_index(drop=True) if 'bonds' in inst.D: inst.D['bonds']=inst.D['bonds'].sort_values(by=['ai','aj']).reset_index(drop=True) inst.bondlist=Bondlist.fromDataFrame(inst.D['bonds']) if 'bondtypes' in inst.D: df_typeorder(inst.D['bondtypes'],typs=['i','j']) inst.D['bondtypes']=inst.D['bondtypes'].sort_values(by=['i','j']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'pairs' in inst.D: inst.D['pairs']=inst.D['pairs'].sort_values(by=['ai','aj']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'pairtypes' in inst.D: df_typeorder(inst.D['pairtypes'],typs=['i','j']) inst.D['pairtypes']=inst.D['pairtypes'].sort_values(by=['i','j']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'angles' in inst.D: inst.D['angles']=inst.D['angles'].sort_values(by=['aj','ai','ak']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'angletypes' in inst.D: df_typeorder(inst.D['angletypes'],typs=['i','j','k']) inst.D['angletypes']=inst.D['angletypes'].sort_values(by=['j','i','k']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'dihedrals' in inst.D: inst.D['dihedrals']=inst.D['dihedrals'].sort_values(by=['aj','ak','ai','al']).reset_index(drop=True) if 'dihedraltypes' in inst.D: df_typeorder(inst.D['dihedraltypes'],typs=['i','j','k','l']) inst.D['dihedraltypes']=inst.D['dihedraltypes'].sort_values(by=['j','k','i','l']).reset_index(drop=True) for f in inst.includes: inst.merge(Topology.read_top(os.path.join(dirname,f))) inst.empty=False return inst
[docs] def bond_source_check(self): """bond_source_check Checks to ensure the 'bonds' dataframe and 'mol2_bonds' dataframe contain the same bonds. A mol2 dataframe is only created when a mol2 file is read by the Coordinates module. """ if 'bonds' in self.D and 'mol2_bonds' in self.D: # logger.debug(f'Consistency check between gromacs-top bonds and mol2-bonds requested.') grobonds=self.D['bonds'].sort_values(by=['ai','aj']) bmi=grobonds.set_index(['ai','aj']).index mol2bonds=self.D['mol2_bonds'].sort_values(by=['ai','aj']) mbmi=mol2bonds.set_index(['ai','aj']).index check=all([x==y for x,y in zip(bmi,mbmi)]) # logger.debug(f'Result: {check}') if not check: logger.error(f'Gromacs/Mol2 bond inconsistency detected') logger.debug(f'GROMACS:') logger.debug(grobonds[['ai','aj']].head().to_string()) logger.debug(f'MOL2:') logger.debug(mol2bonds[['ai','aj']].head().to_string()) for x,y in zip(bmi,mbmi): logger.debug(f'{x} {y} {x==y}')
[docs] def shiftatomsidx(self,idxshift,directive,rows=[],idxlabels=[]): """shiftatomsidx shifts all atoms indexes in topology directive dataframe :param idxshift: integer index shift :type idxshift: int :param directive: name of gromacs topology directive ('atoms','bonds','pairs','angles','dihedrals') :type directive: string :param rows: row boundaries, defaults to [] :type rows: list, optional :param idxlabels: names of columns that contain atom indexes, defaults to [] :type idxlabels: list, optional """ if directive in self.D: cols=self.D[directive].columns.get_indexer(idxlabels) self.D[directive].iloc[rows[0]:rows[1],cols]+=idxshift
[docs] def detect_rings(self): """detect_rings detect unique rings in the topology """ g=self.bondlist.graph() self.rings=RingList([]) for c in nx.chordless_cycles(g): self.rings.append(Ring(c))
[docs] def read_tpx(self,filename): assert os.path.exists(filename), f'Error: {filename} not found.' with open(filename,'r') as f:'[') stanzas=[('['+x).split('\n') for x in data][1:] for s in stanzas: directive=s[0].split()[1].strip() contentlines=[l for l in s[1:] if not (len(l.strip())==0 or l.strip().startswith(';'))] if directive=='rings': # each line is a space-delimited list of global atom indices that identifies one ring self.rings=RingList([]) for line in contentlines: self.rings.append(Ring([int(x) for x in line.split()])) else: logger.debug(f'tpx directive {directive} in {filename} is not recognized.')
[docs] def write_tpx(self,filename): with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write('[ rings ]\n') for r in self.rings: f.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in r.idx])+'\n')
[docs] def rep_ex(self,count=0): """Replicate extensive topology components (atoms, pairs, bonds, angles, dihedrals) :param count: number of replicas to generate, defaults to 0 :type count: int, optional :raises Exception: Dies if self is missing an atoms dataframe """ if count>0: counts={k:0 for k in _GromacsExtensiveDirectives_} counts.update({k:0 for k in _NonGromacsExtensiveDirectives_}) for t in _GromacsExtensiveDirectives_: if t in self.D: counts[t]=len(self.D[t]) for t in _NonGromacsExtensiveDirectives_: if t in self.D: counts[t]=len(self.D[t]) try: idxshift=counts['atoms'] except: raise Exception(f'Error: expected an "atoms" dataframe') for t in _GromacsExtensiveDirectives_: if t in self.D: self.D[t]=pd.concat([self.D[t]]*count,ignore_index=True) new_rings=RingList([]) for c in range(1,count): self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'atoms',rows=[(c*counts['atoms']),((c+1)*counts['atoms'])],idxlabels=['nr']) self.shiftatomsidx(c,'atoms',rows=[(c*counts['atoms']),((c+1)*counts['atoms'])],idxlabels=['resnr']) self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'bonds',rows=[(c*counts['bonds']),((c+1)*counts['bonds'])],idxlabels=['ai','aj']) self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'mol2_bonds',rows=[(c*counts['mol2_bonds']),((c+1)*counts['mol2_bonds'])],idxlabels=['ai','aj']) self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'pairs',rows=[(c*counts['pairs']),((c+1)*counts['pairs'])],idxlabels=['ai','aj']) self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'angles',rows=[(c*counts['angles']),((c+1)*counts['angles'])],idxlabels=['ai','aj','ak']) self.shiftatomsidx(idxshift*c,'dihedrals',rows=[(c*counts['dihedrals']),((c+1)*counts['dihedrals'])],idxlabels=['ai','aj','ak','al']) new_ringblock=RingList([]) for r in self.rings: new_ringblock.append(r.copy().shift(idxshift*c)) new_rings.extend(new_ringblock) self.rings.extend(new_rings) if 'bonds' in self.D: self.bondlist=Bondlist.fromDataFrame(self.D['bonds'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_ex(cls,other): """from_ex make a new Topology instance by copying only the extensive dataframes from an existing topology, plust the bondlist and ringlist :param other: the other topology :type other: Topology :return: a new Topology generated by the extensive dataframes of other :rtype: Topology """ ''' ''' inst=cls() for t in _GromacsExtensiveDirectives_: if t in other.D: inst.D[t]=other.D[t].copy() if 'bonds' in inst.D: inst.bondlist=Bondlist.fromDataFrame(inst.D['bonds']) inst.rings=deepcopy(other.rings) return inst
[docs] def write_top(self,filename): """Write topology to a gromacs-format top file :param filename: name of top file to write :type filename: str """ # This is required as of pandas v 2.2.0 to suppress an annoying warning pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True) self.null_check(msg=f'writing {filename}') with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write('; Gromacs-format topology written by HTPolyNet\n') assert 'defaults' in self.D, 'Error: no [ defaults ] in topology?' for k in _GromacsTopologyDirectiveOrder_: if k in self.D: # columns=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[k] # replace pads with NA so that no bytes are written by to_csv for these fields self.D[k].replace(_PAD_,pd.NA,inplace=True) with open(filename,'a') as f: f.write(f'[ {k} ]\n; ') if k in _GromacsTopologyHashables_: odf=self.D[k].sort_values(by=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[k]) odf.to_csv(filename,sep=' ',mode='a',index=False,header=True,doublequote=False) else: self.D[k].to_csv(filename,sep=' ',mode='a',index=False,header=True,doublequote=False) self.D[k].replace(pd.NA,_PAD_,inplace=True) with open(filename,'a') as f: f.write('\n') with open(filename,'a') as f: f.write('; end\n')
[docs] def null_check(self,msg=''): """Paranoid checking for NaNs in dataframe locations that SHOULD NEVER HAVE NANS :param msg: a nice message, defaults to '' :type msg: str, optional :raises Exception: exits if a NaN is found """ check = True for k in _GromacsTopologyDirectiveOrder_: if k in self.D: if k in _GromacsTopologyHashables_: for a in _GromacsTopologyHashables_[k]: check=any(self.D[k][a].isnull()) if check: logger.debug(f'{msg} null in {k} {a}\n{self.D[k].to_string()}') raise Exception('NaN error')
[docs] def total_charge(self): """Compute and return total system charge :return: charge :rtype: float """ if 'atoms' in self.D: return self.D['atoms']['charge'].sum() return 0.0
[docs] def adjust_charges(self,atoms=[],desired_charge=0.0,overcharge_threshhold=0.1,msg=''): """Adjust atom partial charges a tiny bit so that total system charge is zero :param desired_charge: target system charge, defaults to 0.0 :type desired_charge: float, optional :param overcharge_threshhold: threshold overcharge that triggers a message, defaults to 0.1 :type overcharge_threshhold: float, optional :param msg: A message to write if pre-adjusted system charge is too high, defaults to '' :type msg: str, optional :return: self topology :rtype: Topology """ apparent_charge=self.total_charge() overcharge=apparent_charge-desired_charge logger.debug(f'Adjusting charges of {len(atoms)} atoms due to overcharge of {overcharge:.6f}') if np.abs(overcharge)>overcharge_threshhold: logger.debug(f'{msg}') cpa=-overcharge/len(atoms) logger.debug(f'Adjustment is {cpa:.4e} per atom') for i in atoms: self.D['atoms'].loc[i-1,'charge']+=cpa logger.debug(f'New total charge after adjustment: {self.total_charge():.6f}') return self
[docs] def total_mass(self,units='gromacs'): """Returns total mass of all atoms in the Topology. :param units: unit system designation; if 'SI' returns kg, defaults to 'gromacs' :type units: str, optional :return: mass (in amu if units is 'gromacs' or kg if units is 'SI') :rtype: float """ fac=1.0 if units=='SI': fac=physical_constants['atomic mass constant'][0] if 'atoms' in self.D: M_amu=self.D['atoms']['mass'].sum() logger.debug(f'mass {M_amu} fac {fac}') return M_amu*fac return 0.0
[docs] def atomcount(self): """atomcount Returns the total number of atoms :return: number of atoms :rtype: int """ if 'atoms' in self.D: return self.D['atoms'].shape[0] return 0
[docs] def add_restraints(self,pairdf,typ=6,kb=300000.): """Add type-6 (non-topoogical) bonds to help drag atoms destined to be bonded closer together in a series of dragging simulations :param pairdf: dataframe of pairs ['ai','aj'] :type pairdf: pandas DataFrame :param typ: bond type, defaults to 6 :type typ: int, optional :param kb: bond spring constant (kJ/mol/nm^2), defaults to 300000 :type kb: float, optional """ bmi=self.D['bonds'].set_index(['ai','aj']).sort_index().index for i,b in pairdf.iterrows(): ai,aj=idxorder((b['ai'],b['aj'])) b0=b['initial_distance'] if not (ai,aj) in bmi: h=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_['bonds'] data=[ai,aj,typ,b0,kb] # this new bond will have override parameters bonddict={k:[v] for k,v in zip(h,data)} bdtoadd=pd.DataFrame(bonddict) self.D['bonds']=pd.concat((self.D['bonds'],bdtoadd),ignore_index=True)
[docs] def remove_restraints(self,pairdf): """Remove all bonds represented in in pairdf. These are interpreted as non-topological restraints, so deleting these 'bonds' does not influence angles or dihedrals :param pairdf: dataframe of pairs ['ai','aj'] :type pairdf: pandas DataFrame """ d=self.D['bonds'] to_drop=[] for i,b in pairdf.iterrows(): ai,aj=idxorder((b['ai'],b['aj'])) to_drop.append(d[(].index.values[0]) self.D['bonds']=self.D['bonds'].drop(to_drop)
[docs] def add_bonds(self,pairs=[]): """add_bonds Adds bonds indicated in list pairs to the topology :param pairs: list of pairs of atom indexes, defaults to [] :type pairs: list, optional :raises Exception: dies if an existing bond is in the list of pairs """ # logger.debug('begins') at=self.D['atoms'] ij=self.D['bondtypes'].set_index(['i','j']) #mb=self.D['mol2_bonds'] bmi=self.D['bonds'].set_index(['ai','aj']).sort_index().index pmi=self.D['pairs'].set_index(['ai','aj']).sort_index().index newbonds=[] for b in pairs: # logger.debug(f'{b}') # assert type(b[0])==int bondtuple=(int(b[0]),int(b[1])) order=int(b[2]) ai,aj=idxorder(bondtuple) assert type(ai)==int assert type(aj)==int ''' if this bond is not in the topology, then add it ''' if not (ai,aj) in bmi: newbonds.append((ai,aj)) # logger.debug(f'asking types of {ai} and {aj}; at.shape {at.shape}') it=at.iloc[ai-1].type jt=at.iloc[aj-1].type idx=typeorder((it,jt)) if idx in ij.index: bt=ij.loc[idx,'func'] # why don't i need need values[0] kb=ij.loc[idx,'kb'] b0=ij.loc[idx,'b0'] else: logger.debug(f'no bondtype {idx} found; using placeholder parameters') bt=1 b0=0.15 kb=999999 # raise Exception(f'no bondtype {idx} found.') ''' add a new bond! ''' h=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_['bonds'] data=[ai,aj,bt,b0,kb] # this new bond will have override parameters assert len(h)==len(data), 'Error: not enough data for new bond?' bonddict={k:[v] for k,v in zip(h,data)} bdtoadd=pd.DataFrame(bonddict) self.D['bonds']=pd.concat((self.D['bonds'],bdtoadd),ignore_index=True) #'add_bond:\n{bdtoadd.to_string()}') logger.debug(f'just added {bonddict}') if 'mol2_bonds' in self.D: data=[len(self.D['mol2_bonds']),ai,aj,1] # assume single bond bonddict={k:[v] for k,v in zip(['bondIdx','ai','aj','order'],data)} self.D['mol2_bonds']=pd.concat((self.D['mol2_bonds'],pd.DataFrame(bonddict)),ignore_index=True) # remove this pair from pairs if it's in there (it won't be) if idx in pmi: logger.debug(f'Warning: new bond {ai}-{aj} was evidently in the [ pairs ]!') d=self.D['pairs'] indexes_to_drop=d[(].index logger.debug(f'Dropping [ pair ]:\n{d[indexes_to_drop].to_string()}') indexes_to_keep=set(range(d.shape[0]))-set(indexes_to_drop) self.D['pairs']=d.take(list(indexes_to_keep)).reset_index(drop=True) else: ''' if it is, do nothing; it will be templated; if mol2_bonds are present (usually because a Topology is part of a molecule being parameterized), update the order of the bond. ''' if 'mol2_bonds' in self.D: mb=self.D['mol2_bonds'] bi=(mb['ai']==ai)&(mb['aj']==aj) mb.loc[bi,'order']=order ''' update the bondlist ''' for b in newbonds: self.bondlist.append(b) logger.debug(f'Added {len(newbonds)} new bonds')
[docs] def delete_atoms(self,idx=[],reindex=True,return_idx_of=[],**kwargs): """Delete atoms from topology :param idx: list of atom indexes to delete, defaults to [] :type idx: list, optional :param reindex: reindex atoms after deleting, defaults to True :type reindex: bool, optional :param return_idx_of: list of old indices to report new indices of, defaults to [] :type return_idx_of: list, optional :return: old-index-to-new-index mapper :rtype: dict """ #logger.debug(f'Delete atoms: {idx}') paranoid_about_pairs=kwargs.get('paranoid_about_pairs',False) self.null_check(msg='beginning of delete atoms') # logger.debug(f'idx {idx}') d=self.D['atoms'] new_idx=[] indexes_to_drop=d[].index total_missing_charge=d.loc[indexes_to_drop]['charge'].sum() logger.debug(f'Deleting {d.loc[indexes_to_drop].shape[0]} [ atoms ]; charge to make up: {total_missing_charge:.4f}')#:\n{d.loc[indexes_to_drop].to_string()}') indexes_to_keep=set(range(d.shape[0]))-set(indexes_to_drop) self.D['atoms']=d.take(list(indexes_to_keep)).reset_index(drop=True) mapper={} if reindex: d=self.D['atoms'] oldGI=d['nr'].copy() d['nr']=d.index+1 mapper={k:v for k,v in zip(oldGI,d['nr'])} # logger.debug(f'mapper {mapper}') assert not any([x in mapper for x in idx]),f'Error: Some deleted atoms in mapper.' k=np.array(list(mapper.keys())) v=np.array(list(mapper.values())) if any(np.isnan(k)): logger.error('null in mapper keys') if any(np.isnan(v)): logger.error('null in mapper values') # logger.debug(f'delete_atoms: mapper {mapper}') if len(return_idx_of)>0: #'Asking for updated global indexes of {return_idx_of}') new_idx=[mapper[o] for o in return_idx_of] #d['nr_shift']=d['nr']-oldGI # probably not necessary ptt=['bonds','mol2_bonds','pairs'] for pt in ptt: if pt in self.D: d=self.D[pt] # logger.debug(f'delete atom: {pt} df prior to deleting') # logger.debug(d.to_string()) indexes_to_drop=d[(|(d.aj.isin(idx))].index logger.debug(f'Deleting {d.loc[indexes_to_drop].shape[0]} [ {pt} ]') indexes_to_keep=set(range(d.shape[0]))-set(indexes_to_drop) self.D[pt]=d.take(list(indexes_to_keep)).reset_index(drop=True) if reindex: d=self.D[pt] assert not any([x in idx for x in]),f'Error: deleted atom survived in {pt} ai' assert not any([x in idx for x in d.aj]),f'Error: deleted atom survived in {pt} aj' assert all([x in mapper for x in]),f'Error: surviving {pt} atom ai old idx not in mapper' assert all([x in mapper for x in d.aj]),f'Error: surviving {pt} atom aj old idx not in mapper' #logger.debug(f'delete atom: {pt} df prior to reindexing') #logger.debug(d.to_string()) # pairs deleted here were deleted because either ai or aj was among # the atoms to delete. We assert than any dihedral for which # the i atom is ai and l atom is aj will necessarily be deleted # below. The only other pairs that should be deleted would # be ones in which the dihedral j or k atom is among those to be # deleted. if pt!='pairs': # don't remap these yet; need to delete pairs that # might arise from dihedrals that are deleted. if pt=='bonds': # logger.debug(f'Updating bondlist using (first 10 shown)\n{d.head(10).to_string()}') self.bondlist=Bondlist.fromDataFrame(d) if pt=='mol2_bonds': nBonds=self.D[pt].shape[0] self.D[pt]['bondIdx']=list(range(1,nBonds+1)) d=self.D['angles'] # assert,f'pre-delete lost angle ai dtype {}' # assert d.aj.dtype==int,f'pre-delete lost angle aj dtype {d.aj.dtype}' # assert d.ak.dtype==int,f'pre-delete lost angle ak dtype {d.ak.dtype}' # logger.debug(f'ai {}') # logger.debug(f'aj {d.aj.isin(idx).to_string()}') # logger.debug(f'ak {d.ak.isin(idx).to_string()}') indexes_to_drop=d[(d['ai'].isin(idx))|(d['aj'].isin(idx))|(d['ak'].isin(idx))].index # extras=d[d['ak'].isin(idx)].index logger.debug(f'Deleting {len(indexes_to_drop)} [ angles ]') indexes_to_keep=set(range(d.shape[0]))-set(indexes_to_drop) # logger.debug(f'drop {list(sorted(list(set(indexes_to_drop))))}') # logger.debug(f'keep {indexes_to_keep}') self.D['angles']=d.take(list(indexes_to_keep)).reset_index(drop=True) assert,f'post-delete lost angle ai dtype {}' assert d.aj.dtype==int,f'post-delete lost angle aj dtype {d.aj.dtype}' assert d.ak.dtype==int,f'post-delete lost angle ak dtype {d.ak.dtype}' self.null_check(msg='inside delete atoms before angles reindex') if reindex: d=self.D['angles'] assert not any([x in idx for x in]),'Error: deleted atom survived in angle ai' assert not any([x in idx for x in d.aj]),'Error: deleted atom survived in angle aj' zombie_tags=[x in idx for x in d.ak] if any(zombie_tags): logger.debug(f'Zombie ak angles:\n{self.D["angles"][zombie_tags].to_string()}') assert not any(zombie_tags),'Error: deleted atom survived in angle ak' assert all([x in mapper for x in]),'Error: surviving angle atom ai old idx not in mapper' assert all([x in mapper for x in d.aj]),'Error: surviving angle atom aj old idx not in mapper' assert all([x in mapper for x in d.ak]),'Error: surviving angle atom ak old idx not in mapper' self.null_check(msg='inside delete atoms after angles reindex') d=self.D['dihedrals'] indexes_to_drop=d[(|(d.aj.isin(idx))|(d.ak.isin(idx))|(].index logger.debug(f'Deleting {d.loc[indexes_to_drop].shape[0]} [ dihedrals ]') # if the atoms we have deleted are truly just H's, then there will be no other # spurious pairs after all dihedrals containing deleted atoms are deleted. # However, we may want to still search for such pairs, so let's leave this # as an option: if paranoid_about_pairs: dp=self.D['pairs'] ddp=d.loc[indexes_to_drop] # these are dihedrals marked for deletion # determine pairs deriving from these dihedrals and delete them! dd=[] for pi,pl in zip(pai,pal): dwpi=dp[((|((].index.to_list() dd.extend(dwpi) ptk=set(range(dp.shape[0]))-set(dwpi) if dp.loc[dwpi].shape[0]>0: logger.debug(f' -> and deleting {dp.loc[dwpi].shape[0]} [ pairs ] from those dihedrals') # Note that we expect this to be zero if we are only deleting H's, since # an H can never be a 'j' or 'k' in a dihedral! self.D['pairs']=dp.take(list(ptk)).reset_index(drop=True) indexes_to_keep=set(range(d.shape[0]))-set(indexes_to_drop) self.D['dihedrals']=d.take(list(indexes_to_keep)).reset_index(drop=True) if reindex: d=self.D['dihedrals'] d=self.D['pairs'] tp=[] pdrops=[] for i,r in d.iterrows(): ai,aj=min([,r.aj]),max([,r.aj]) if not [ai,aj] in tp: tp.append([ai,aj]) else: pdrops.append(i) logger.debug(f'Deleting {len(pdrops)} duplicate 1-4 pair descriptors -- this is likely due to a bug somewhere') self.D['pairs']=d.drop(pdrops).reset_index(drop=True) self.null_check(msg='end of delete atoms') logger.debug('finished.') if len(return_idx_of)>0: return new_idx return mapper
def _myconcat(self,other,directive='',idxlabel=[],idxshift=0,drop_duplicates=False): if not directive in other.D: return if directive in self.D: # shift atom indices for i in idxlabel: other.D[directive][i]+=idxshift if drop_duplicates: self.D[directive]=pd.concat((self.D[directive],other.D[directive]),ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates() else: self.D[directive]=pd.concat((self.D[directive],other.D[directive]),ignore_index=True) else: self.D[directive]=other.D[directive]
[docs] def merge(self,other): """Merge topologies :param other: a topology :type other: Topology """ # logger.debug('Topology.merge begins') # look for duplicated types between self and other. If any are found, delete those types from other and copy their parameters into the explicit interactions they correspond to. self.merge_ex(other) self.merge_types(other)
# logger.debug('Topology.merge ends') # def handle_duplicate_types(self,other,copy_directive='other_to_self',typename='',funcidx=4): # if not typename in self.D or not typename in other.D: # return # stdf=self.D[typename] # otdf=other.D[typename] # hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] # headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() # logger.debug(f'{hashables} {headers}') # for i in hashables: # headers.remove(i) # common=[] # fi=headers.index('func') # copy_idx_pairs=[] # for idx,r in otdf.iterrows(): # typidx=typeorder(tuple([r[i] for i in hashables])) # idata=[r[i] for i in headers] # for jdx,q in stdf.iterrows(): # typjdx=typeorder(tuple([q[i] for i in hashables])) # jdata=[q[i] for i in headers] # if typidx==typjdx and idata==jdata: # common.append(typidx) # for jdx,q in stdf.iterrows(): # typjdx=typeorder(tuple([q[i] for i in hashables])) # jdata=[q[i] for i in headers] # if typidx==typjdx and idata!=jdata and not typidx in common and idata[fi]==funcidx and jdata[fi]==funcidx: # logger.debug(f'duplicate {typename} {typidx}') # logger.debug(f'o {idx} {idata}') # logger.debug(f's {jdx} {jdata}') # if not (idx,jdx) in copy_idx_pairs: # copy_idx_pairs.append((idx,jdx)) # if copy_directive=='other_to_self' and len(copy_idx_pairs)>0: # for o,s in copy_idx_pairs: # self.D[typename].iloc[s]=other.D[typename].iloc[o] # elif copy_directive=='self_to_other' and len(copy_idx_pairs)>0: # for o,s in copy_idx_pairs: # other.D[typename].iloc[o]=self.D[typename].iloc[s] # # logger.debug(f'{typidx}') # # pass
[docs] def report_type(self,typidx_q,typename='',funcidx=-1): if not typename in self.D: return stdf=self.D[typename] hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() for i in hashables: headers.remove(i) fi=headers.index('func') for idx,r in stdf.iterrows(): typidx=typeorder(tuple([r[i] for i in hashables])) idata=[r[i] for i in headers] if typidx==typidx_q and idata[fi]==funcidx: return [r[i] for i in headers] return []
''' 'bonds': ['ai', 'aj', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1'], 'bondtypes': [ 'i', 'j', 'func', 'b0', 'kb'], 'angles': ['ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1'], 'angletypes': [ 'i', 'j', 'k', 'func', 'th0', 'cth', 'rub', 'kub'], 'dihedrals': ['ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'al', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'], 'dihedraltypes':[ 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'func', 'phase', 'kd', 'pn'], '''
[docs] def reset_override_from_type(self,interactionname,typename,inst_idx): if not typename in self.D: return typ_hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] stdf=self.D[typename].set_index(typ_hashables) sidf=self.D[interactionname] typ_headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() ins_hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[interactionname] ins_headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[interactionname].copy() typidx=[self.D['atoms'].iloc[x-1]['type'] for x in inst_idx] typidx=typeorder(tuple(typidx)) for i in typ_hashables: typ_headers.remove(i) for i in ins_hashables: ins_headers.remove(i) iidx=idxorder(tuple(inst_idx)) idx=-1 for i,r in sidf.iterrows(): jdx=tuple([r[a] for a in ins_hashables]) if iidx==jdx: idx=i break assert idx!=-1 num_data=min([len(typ_headers),len(ins_headers)]) typ_headers=typ_headers[:num_data] ins_headers=ins_headers[:num_data] typrec=stdf.loc[typidx][typ_headers] cols=self.D[interactionname].columns.get_indexer(ins_headers) logger.debug(f'Resetting override in {interactionname} for {inst_idx} from') for ln in self.D[interactionname].iloc[idx,cols].to_string().split('\n'): logger.debug(ln) logger.debug('to') self.D[interactionname].iloc[idx,cols]=typrec for ln in self.D[interactionname].iloc[idx,cols].to_string().split('\n'): logger.debug(ln)
[docs] def reset_type(self,typename,typidx_t,values): if not typename in self.D: return stdf=self.D[typename] hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() for i in hashables: headers.remove(i) cols=self.D[typename].columns.get_indexer(headers) idxs=[] for idx,r in stdf.iterrows(): typidx=typeorder(tuple([r[i] for i in hashables])) if typidx==typidx_t: idxs.append(idx) assert len(headers)==len(values) logger.debug(f'Resetting {len(idxs)} entries {headers} to {values}') for idx in idxs: self.D[typename].iloc[idx,cols]=values for ln in self.D[typename].iloc[idx][headers].to_string().split('\n'): logger.debug(ln)
[docs] def report_duplicate_types(self,other,typename='',funcidx=4): if not typename in self.D or not typename in other.D: return stdf=self.D[typename] otdf=other.D[typename] hashables=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[typename] headers=_GromacsTopologyDirectiveHeaders_[typename].copy() # logger.debug(f'{hashables} {headers}') for i in hashables: headers.remove(i) common=[] fi=headers.index('func') true_duplicate_types=[] for idx,r in otdf.iterrows(): typidx=typeorder(tuple([r[i] for i in hashables])) idata=[r[i] for i in headers] for jdx,q in stdf.iterrows(): typjdx=typeorder(tuple([q[i] for i in hashables])) jdata=[q[i] for i in headers] if typidx==typjdx and idata==jdata: common.append(typidx) for idx,r in otdf.iterrows(): typidx=typeorder(tuple([r[i] for i in hashables])) idata=[r[i] for i in headers] for jdx,q in stdf.iterrows(): typjdx=typeorder(tuple([q[i] for i in hashables])) jdata=[q[i] for i in headers] if typidx==typjdx and idata!=jdata and not typidx in common and idata[fi]==funcidx and jdata[fi]==funcidx: # logger.debug(f'duplicate {typename} {typidx}') true_duplicate_types.append(typidx) return true_duplicate_types
[docs] def dup_check(self,die=True): """Check for duplicate type-like topology records :param die: flag telling HTPolyNet to exit if duplicate found, defaults to True :type die: bool, optional :raises Exception: Exception raised if duplicate found and die is True """ L=['atomtypes','bondtypes','angletypes'] Not=' not' if not die else '' logger.debug(f'Checking for duplicate {L}; will{Not} die if found.') for t in L: i=_GromacsTopologyHashables_[t] ''' checking for types with duplicate atom-type indices ''' dups=self.D[t].duplicated(subset=i,keep=False) if any(dups): logger.error(f'Duplicate {t} with different parameters detected\n'+self.D[t][dups].to_string()) if die: raise Exception('duplicate topology types with different parameters detected')
[docs] def merge_types(self,other): """Merge type-like topology dataframes from other to self :param other: topology containing attribute D, a dictionary of dataframes :type other: Topology """ # self.handle_duplicate_types(other,typename='dihedraltypes',funcidx=4,drop_directive='drop_from_self') L=['atomtypes','bondtypes','angletypes','dihedraltypes'] for t in L: self._myconcat(other,directive=t,drop_duplicates=True)
[docs] def merge_ex(self,other): logger.debug(f' extensive merging...') ''' merge EXTENSIVE quantities ''' idxshift=0 if 'atoms' not in self.D else len(self.D['atoms']) rdxshift=0 if 'atoms' not in self.D else self.D['atoms'].iloc[-1]['resnr'] if 'atoms' in other.D: other.D['atoms']['resnr']+=rdxshift self._myconcat(other,directive='atoms',idxlabel=['nr'],idxshift=idxshift) self._myconcat(other,directive='bonds',idxlabel=['ai','aj'],idxshift=idxshift) if 'bonds' in other.D: self.bondlist.update(other.D['bonds']) if 'mol2_bonds' in self.D and 'mol2_bonds' in other.D: other.D['mol2_bonds'].bondIdx+=self.D['mol2_bonds'].shape[0] self._myconcat(other,directive='mol2_bonds',idxlabel=['ai','aj'],idxshift=idxshift) self._myconcat(other,directive='pairs',idxlabel=['ai','aj'],idxshift=idxshift) self._myconcat(other,directive='angles',idxlabel=['ai','aj','ak'],idxshift=idxshift) self._myconcat(other,directive='dihedrals',idxlabel=['ai','aj','ak','al'],idxshift=idxshift) logger.debug(f'merging {len(other.rings)} rings into base list of {len(self.rings)} with idxshift {idxshift}') other.rings.shift(idxshift) self.rings.extend(other.rings)
[docs] def get_atom_attribute(self,idx,attribute): """Return value of attribute of atom idx :param idx: global atom index :type idx: int :param attribute: atom attribute name :type attribute: str :return: atom attribute value :rtype: varies """ return self.D['atoms'].iloc[idx-1][attribute]
[docs] def get_atomtype(self,idx): """Get atom type of atom with global index idx :param idx: atom global index :type idx: int :return: atom typ :rtype: str """ # logger.debug(f'Asking get_atomtype for type of atom with index {idx}') return self.D['atoms'].iloc[idx-1].type
[docs] def build_interresidue_graph(self,G,ri): if ri in G: return adf=self.D['atoms'] ri_at_idx=adf[adf['resnr']==ri]['nr'].to_list() residues=adf['resnr'].unique() ri_partners=[] for rn in residues: skip=False rj_at_idx=adf[adf['resnr']==rn]['nr'].to_list() for i,j in product(ri_at_idx,rj_at_idx): # logger.debug(f'### {i} in {self.bondlist.partners_of(j)}?') if i in self.bondlist.partners_of(j): if not rn in ri_partners: ri_partners.append(rn) skip=True continue if skip: continue # logger.debug(f'rn partners {ri_partners}') G.add_node(ri) for rj in ri_partners: self.build_interresidue_graph(G,rj)
[docs] def local_resid_cluster(self,ri): G=nx.DiGraph() # logger.debug(str(self.bondlist)) self.build_interresidue_graph(G,ri) return [x for x in G]
[docs] def make_resid_graph(self,json_file=None): adf=self.D['atoms'] N=adf.shape[0] self.residue_network=nx.DiGraph() residues=adf['residue'].unique() for rn in residues: rs=adf[adf['residue']==rn]['resnr'].unique() self.residue_network.add_nodes_from(rs,resName=rn) resnrs=adf['resnr'].unique() for i in resnrs: # atom global indexes in this resnr ats=adf[adf['resnr']==i]['nr'].to_list() connectors=[] for a in ats: an=self.bondlist.partners_of(a) natsrn=adf[adf['nr'].isin(an)]['resnr'].unique() if len(natsrn)>1: for n in natsrn: if n!=i: # this is an inter-residue connection connectors.append((a,n)) for c in connectors: a,n=c bondtype="cross" if not self.residue_network.has_edge(i,n): self.residue_network.add_edge(i,n,bondtype=bondtype) if json_file: the_data=json_graph.node_link_data(self.residue_network) assert type(the_data)==dict,f'Error: node_link_data returns a {type(the_data)} but should return a dict' logger.debug(f'writing graph node_link_data to {json_file}') the_data_str=str(the_data) the_data_str=the_data_str.replace('True','"True"') the_data_str=the_data_str.replace('False','"False"') if "'" in the_data_str: logger.debug(f'json_graph.node_link_data produces single-quoted dict keys -- this is not JSON standard') json_compatible_string=the_data_str.replace("'",'"') try: the_data=json.loads(json_compatible_string) except Exception as msg: logger.debug(str(msg)) logger.debug(f'json.loads fails to encode string:\n{json_compatible_string}') with open (json_file,'w') as f: try: json.dump(the_data,f) except Exception as msg: logger.debug(str(msg)) logger.debug(f'writing resid graph to JSON not currently supported') f.write(str(the_data)+'\n')
[docs] def copy_bond_parameters(self,bonds): """Generate and return a copy of a bonds dataframe that contains all bonds listed in bonds :param bonds: dataframe of bonds managed by runtime, 'ai','aj','reactantName' :type bonds: pandas.DataFrame :return: [ bonds ] dataframe extracted from system with all parameters :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ bdf=self.D['bonds'] assert not(any(bdf['c0'].isna())) saveme=pd.DataFrame() for b in bonds.itertuples(): ai,aj=idxorder((,b.aj)) subframe=bdf[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj)].copy() for c in bdf.columns: if not c in subframe: subframe[c]=_PAD_ if saveme.empty: saveme=subframe else: # logger.debug(f'copy parameters for ai {ai} aj {aj}') saveme=pd.concat((saveme,subframe),ignore_index=True) #'saved bond override params\n{saveme.to_string()}') return saveme
[docs] def attenuate_bond_parameters(self,bondsdf,stage,max_stages,minimum_distance=0.0,init_colname='initial_distance'): """Alter the kb and b0 parameters for new crosslink bonds according to the values prior to relaxation (stored in lengths), their equilibrium values, and the ratio stage/max_stages. Let stage/max_stages be x, and 1/max_stages <= x <= 1. The spring constant for each bond is multiplied by x and the distance is 1 xth of the way from its maximum value to its equilibrium value. :param bonds: dataframe of bonds managed by runtime, 'ai','aj','reactantName' :type bonds: pandas.DataFrame :param stage: index of stage in the series of post-bond-formation relaxation ("R" of SCUR) :type stage: int :param max_stages: total number of relaxation stages for this iteration :type max_stages: int :param minimum_distance: minimum bondlegth allowed, overriding type-specific b0 (if greater than 0) :type lengths: float """ bdf=self.D['bonds'] factor=(stage+1)/max_stages logger.debug(f'Attenuating {bondsdf.shape[0]} bond{"s" if bondsdf.shape[0]>1 else ""} in stage {stage+1}/{max_stages}') jdx=list(bondsdf.columns).index(init_colname) for b in bondsdf.itertuples(index=False): ai,aj=idxorder((,b.aj)) rij=b[jdx] b0,kb=self.get_bond_parameters(ai,aj) if minimum_distance>0.0: b0=minimum_distance new_b0=rij-factor*(rij-b0) new_kb=kb*factor # logger.debug(f'bond attenuation target for {ai}-{aj}:\nb0 {b0:.5f} kb {kb:.2f}; using b0 {new_b0:.5f} kb {new_kb:.2f}') bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c0']=new_b0 bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c1']=new_kb
[docs] def get_bond_parameters(self,ai,aj): """Gets b0 and kb for bond between atoms with global indexes ai and aj :param ai: global atom index :type ai: int :param aj: global atom index :type aj: int :return: b0, kb -- equilibrium bond length and spring constant :rtype: 2-tuple """ ai,aj=idxorder((ai,aj)) adf=self.D['atoms'] bdf=self.D['bonds'] tdf=self.D['bondtypes'] b0=bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c0'].values[0] kb=bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c1'].values[0] if pd.isna(b0) or pd.isna(kb): ''' no overrides for this bond, so take from types ''' it=adf.loc[adf['nr']==ai,'type'].values[0] jt=adf.loc[adf['nr']==aj,'type'].values[0] it,jt=typeorder((it,jt)) b0=tdf.loc[(tdf['i']==it)&(tdf['j']==jt),'b0'].values[0] kb=tdf.loc[(tdf['i']==it)&(tdf['j']==jt),'kb'].values[0] return b0,kb
[docs] def restore_bond_parameters(self,df): """Copy data from all bonds in dataframe df to global dataframe :param df: dataframe of bonds ['ai','aj','c0','c1'] :type df: pandas DataFrame """ bdf=self.D['bonds'] for r in df.itertuples(): ai,,r.aj c0,c1=r.c0,r.c1 bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c0']=c0 bdf.loc[(bdf['ai']==ai)&(bdf['aj']==aj),'c1']=c1
[docs] def attenuate_pair_parameters(self,pairsdf,stage,max_stages,draglimit_nm=0.3): """Alter the kb and b0 parameters for new pre-crosslink pairs according to the values prior to dragging (stored in pairdf['initial_distances']), the desired lower limit of interatomic distance 'draglimit_nm', and the ratio stage/max_stages. :param pairdf: pairs dataframe (['ai'],['aj'],['initial_distance']) :type pairdf: pandas.DataFrame :param stage: index of stage in the series of pre-bond-formation dragging :type stage: int :param max_stages: total number of drag stages for this iteration :type max_stages: int :param draglimit_nm: lower limit of interatomic distance requested from drag :type draglimit_nm: float """ pdf=self.D['pairs'] ess='s' if pairsdf.shape[0]>1 else '' factor=(stage+1)/max_stages logger.debug(f'Attenuating {pairsdf.shape[0]} pair{ess} in stage {stage+1}/{max_stages}') for b in pairsdf.itertuples(): ai,aj=idxorder((,b.aj)) b0=b.initial_distance kb=pdf.loc[(pdf['ai']==ai)&(pdf['aj']==aj),'c1'].values[0] pdf.loc[(pdf['ai']==ai)&(pdf['aj']==aj),'c0']=draglimit_nm-factor*(b0-draglimit_nm) pdf.loc[(pdf['ai']==ai)&(pdf['aj']==aj),'c1']=kb*factor